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AnyDesk is a remote desktop application.

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Key Products & Services
  • Remote Desktop Software
  • File Transfer
  • Unattended Access
  • Description

AnyDesk Software GmbH, founded in 2014 in Stuttgart, Germany, specializes in developing remote desktop software, with their main product being AnyDesk. Renowned for its high-speed and secure remote connectivity, AnyDesk caters to a wide range of users, including professionals and individuals. The company's growth has been driven by the increasing demand for remote work solutions, making it a prominent player in the remote desktop market.

  • Product & Services Review

AnyDesk is a remote desktop software that provides users with a secure and reliable way to connect to computers remotely. Its key feature is its speed and performance, offering high frame rates, low latency, and efficient bandwidth usage, which is particularly beneficial in remote desktop operations. This makes it suitable for a variety of applications, from IT support to remote team collaboration. AnyDesk supports multiple platforms including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS, allowing for cross-platform connectivity. Security is a priority, with TLS 1.2 encryption and RSA 2048 asymmetric key exchange encryption to ensure that connections are protected. Additionally, AnyDesk offers features like file transfer, session recording, and unattended access, making it a versatile tool for both personal and professional use. It is popular among IT professionals, businesses, and casual users who require remote access to computers and devices.

  • Key People
Philipp Weiser
Chief of Staff
Claudia Demmel
Walid Taleb
  • Funding Details
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Series C
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Estimated Valuation
The valuation estimates in Intelli are synthesized from publicly accessible data sourced from private market platforms. They are intended as approximations and should not be the sole basis for any financial decisions.
  • Lead Investors
EQT Ventures
Insight Partners
General Stlantic
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